Sake brewery
Takasago Shuzo
Takasago Shuzo is located in the centre of the island of Hokkaido, in the north of Japan.
It produces pure and fresh sake, inspired by the characteristic snowy landscapes of the region.
The brewery filters its sake under ice domes that it rebuilds every winter. The water used comes from melted snow.
Takasago Shuzo produces only tokutei meishoshu sake, a special designation for premium sake.

Kokushi Muso
Kokushi Muso
Product brand
« Cocoo
Product name
Kokushi Muso
Kokushi Muso
Product brand
Product name
国士無双 虚空 純米
Fine sake, with hints of white peach.
Exceptional sake, externally filtered under an ice dome at – 2°C.
Grade of sake, also called “pure rice”, composed of water, rice and koji, with rice polished to more than 30%. More acidic sake with more body.
High quality sake rice with a strong rice aroma.